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Welcome to the Pumas Basketball Club. 
Padbury Junior Basketball Club Inc (Pumas) was established in 1989 and are governed by the Wanneroo Basketball Association. Pumas are a non-profit organisation, completely run by volunteers, from the administration to the coaches and managers. 


Our club consists of boys and girl’s teams, from U8 to U18.  We pride ourselves on being able to create an environment where all players can play, develop, and enjoy their basketball.


The domestic basketball Season is played all year round and split into two seasons.
The spring/summer season runs from October to April the following year.  The winter season runs from April/May and concludes mid-September.  We run off the school calendar year and take breaks during the school holidays.



Pumas promote a fun, inclusive environment and a love for basketball. Pumas endorse and foster values of good sportsmanship and fair play, team work, commitment, and resilience. These values need to be mentored by coaches and sideline spectators for our little Pumas to learn.


Please remember as players, parents and spectators you are the public face of Pumas Basketball Club at games and training venues. 

In order to be part of the Pumas we ask you to take a moment to read and explain to your children the Player and Parent Codes of Conduct.


Please be aware that breaches of these conduct codes can incur penalties such as suspensions and fines of which the team will be liable for. 


The Committee is made up of volunteers, who are parents just like you whose children play basketball. The current members had never performed these roles before and have learned on the job. They were just parents who realised that the club could not run itself and stepped up to lend a hand to ensure their children had a club to play basketball for.


Please consider joining the Committee. The more parents involved the better. The Committee needs your voice to make decisions for your child, so please come to meetings and volunteer to lend a hand. Positions are nominated and voted for at each yearly AGM. 


You must be a Pumas Basketball Club Committee member or a financial member to vote.


Committee Members

President:                            Darryl Baxter
Vice President:                   Anthony Augustin
Secretary:                             Caroline Smith
Treasurer:                             Chontelle Berry
Boys Registrar:                    Michelle Jansen Van Rensburg

                                                Natalie Pratt
Girls Registrar:                    Michelle Jansen Van Rensburg
Uniform Coordinator:        Luke & Tam Befumo
Venue Coordinator:           Anthony Augustin
Equipment Coordinator:  Gus Pugliese
Fundraising / Events:         Pinda Bhatti
Sponsorships/Grants:        Chris Harris
Trophies:                               Hadijah Jaamil
Milestones:                          Caroline Smith
Social Media:                      Natalie Baxter

General Member:               Hadijah Jaamil


                           Life Members
                                  Caroline Smith

                                  Dot Henry

                                  Sandy Fildes

                                  Bob Anderson

                                  Dave Waters

                                  Carol Gates

                                  Diane Sanford

Get in Touch

Do you have any questions or topics you'd like to discuss? We're here to help! Don't hesitate to reach out to us by dropping us a line via the form. We look forward to hearing from you!​

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